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Winter Solstice - Traditional Chinese Solar Terms

Dec 22, 2023

Today is December 22nd, ushering in the winter solstice season.Winter Solstice is the fourth solar term of winter.

The ancients divided the winter solstice into three seasons: the first season is when earthworms gather; Erhou Elk Horn Release; Three seasons of water spring movement. The meaning is that the earthworms in the soil are still curled up, and the elk's sense of yin gradually recedes and its horns are released. Due to the northward return of the direct sunlight after the winter solstice, the sun enters a new cycle of back and forth movement, and the height of the sun rises from here. Day by day, the spring water in the mountains can flow and be warm at this time.

The winter solstice customs vary in content or details due to regional differences. In southern China, there is a custom of ancestor worship and feasting during the winter solstice. In northern China, there is a custom of eating dumplings on the winter solstice every year. Because dumplings have the meaning of dispelling the cold, there is still a folk saying that goes, "On the winter solstice, if you don't serve the dumpling bowl, no one will care if you freeze your ears."

The winter solstice has arrived, can spring still be far behind? Let you join me in welcoming long-lasting blessings.


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